Monday, October 14, 2013

A perfectly good electric motor

We use airbeds in our home.  I don't sleep on one, but we do keep two or three around.

Between children and grandchildren, family gatherings can be a lot of people.  More people than we have beds and couches for.  I think for a few days in late spring there were twelve or thirteen extra people in the house.  So out come the airbeds.

I have successfully patched airbeds with a leak, but kids just seem to have this deep seated need to make new leaks.  I have one of those right next to me.  It is fully inflated, standing up against a wall, unwilling to reveal where the latest (I have patched it twice previously) leak might be.  I think this one is toast.

And that brings me back to the question I have been pondering.  What to do with the pump?

It is a perfectly good pump, probably designed to last much longer than bed itself.  It seems like there should be something to be done with it, that it could be re-purposed is some way.

I have a treasure chest full of cables and electronic components of one sort or another that I keep, I suppose it could go in there.  But everything in there I have an idea of what I could use it for.  The pump?  Not a clue.

I have tried a few different google searches, and so far all the results have been about the PVC that most airbeds are made from, and the difficulty of recycling that.  It seems like there should be some useful purpose for a perfectly goods electric pump.


  1. Howabout using it for a bike tire pump?
    I'm sure there is an adapter that could fit it to be able to use with a needle small enough to inflate a bike tire


  2. Its also good for inflating innertubes and boats. Or you could re-purpose it and make a fan for a computer, or use it to power a pump for a fountain? Either one would be a tinkering project, which could be fun if you are in the mood for that sort of thing.


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