Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Bruce got a tax cut

Ok, so this is old news.  Back when Cheney was in charge, I got a tax cut.  I make a comfortable six figure income,  always get to go someplace nice on vacation, in general, I have a comfortable life.  Like I needed a tax cut.

My kids, however, all of them have a more hardscrabble life.  None of them are starving, but none of their lives are anywhere close to as easy as mine.  They didn't get a tax cut.

What's wrong with this picture?


  1. Dude, why so angry?

    do you want to invite comments or discourage them?

    It is nice of you to allow comments without having the register and go through that silly hoop.

  2. OK, so I softened my comment text a little.


All comments are screened, but you don't have to agree with me to get published. You do have to make sense though. If you are not sure what I mean by making sense, read this. Unless what you say is really, really stupid, and then I may publish it just so I can make fun of you.