When I was growing up, when to use 'I' and when to use 'me' was drilled into me. And whether you used 'I' or 'me', if you were talking about you and someone else, well, that someone else came first.
Somewhere around the Reagan years that began to change. That was when the government started to become the enemy, and teachers, who are government employees began to lose respect. And the one wage earner family began to disappear. Working was no longer a choice for women, it became a necessity. So after school the kids went to some kind of day care and then became latchkey kids.
Parents had less time to help with homework, or even make sure it was done. There was too much to do just to make sure food was prepared laundry was done, and all the other tasks associated with running a household were taken care of. Many tried, but there are only so many hours in the day.
And another thing happened. There was a shift in attitude, the every man for himself attitude. A generation has grown up believing that they are entitled to have it all, not because they earned it, but because of how special they are.
So the next time you hear someone saying 'me and him', well that's where it came from.
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