Inflation leads to all kind of problems for must of us. Stuff costs more and the next time you look it costs even more. Wages won't keep up with inflation, and if they did that would cause even more inflation. This is just what happens when the Fed prints a whole lot of money and dumps it into the economy.
Of course the right will blame it on Biden. Those of us on the left would love to blame Trump. After all, all that printing and dumping happened while he was president. But you can't pin the blame on him.
Maybe he could get a very little amount of the blame, for downplaying COVID which probably made the death toll higher than it needed to be. But the thing about handing out money to keep businesses open, keep their employees in their homes, and just generally prevent crashing the economy? That was the Congress.
First of all, he wouldn't give a rat's ass if half the country was starving. So he wouldn't give a shit about that. And second, he isn't smart enough to understand the implcations of a pandemic to the country until it was much to late.
The legislation originatated in Congress not the White House. And as bad as inflation is, and now the rising interest rates that the FED is imposing to try and get it under control, it was the right thing to do. Keeping businesses afloat and helping people stay in their homes was what we needed at the time. The price we are paying is substantially less that what could have happened had Congress abandoned the working class.
So someone from Congress shook him about the head and shoulders and pointed out how much he was pissing off all his MAGA crowd and told him to sign the damned legislation. It wouldn't surprise me if he somehow managed to scrape off a little off that cash for himself too.
I don't like it either, but this is how we get the economy back in sync. It's probably going to get worse before it gets better.