The right wing of America has finally achieved the holy grail of American politics. They control the house. the senate, and the presidency. Now they will attempt to remake America in their own image.
Of couse my take on this is, we are all screwed. It is a return to the 'good old days' when there were no child labor laws, when the police would attack organized labor, and there were no standards for food or water quality, and whether you were injured by unsafe working conditions on the job or poisened by contaminated food or water, you had no recourse.
So as their signature accomplishment they are preparing to strip away health insurance from many and make it more expensive for many of the rest of us. So if they want to prove to the American people that they are really working in our best interests, there is a very simple solution.
All of congress should make themselves participants in Trumpcare. Eliminate the generous health plan granted to all members of congress and their families, and let them pay for insurance, as individuals, not in a group plan, the way many of the rest of us have been.
You think what you are doing is a great idea? As part of the legislation, take your own medicine.